Something to ponder:
If you have your own website, new information coming out suggests that having a FAQ page may boost your Google rankings! The length of search queries has increased over the past year. Longer search queries, averaging searches of 5+ words in length, have increased 10% from January '08 to January '09.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt said recently, "Wouldn’t it be nice if Google understood the meaning of your phrase rather than just the words that are in that phrase? We have a lot of discoveries in that area that [we] are going to roll out in the next little while."
"Web business should take notice of Question/Answering sites that have been built and SEO'd to fill the search engine rankings for these types of user questions (e.g. Q&A aggregators like WikiAnswers, AnswerBag, and Yahoo Answers). Web businesses may benefit by creating FAQ content that is targeted at answering real user questions about their products."FAQs as relevant results to intent-based searches about what your business offers. What a concept!"